Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to Poetry Is Cool Part Trois! I am currently writing about poetry, inter-disciplinary and collaborative projects, art, books, food and running from Ellensburg, WA--the next phase of my blogging experiment. This blog began when I was writing a poem a day during National Poetry Month in 2010. Some days you will find new photos and posts, sometimes a new link that interests me, sometimes there will be a new "French" sentence---I have a new goal of blogging at least once per week. I am always interested to hear from you. Say hello!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hey Dude! Where's my macaron?

First photo in Paris--caramel de sel macaron in front of the Louvre
Reasons why Paris doesn't suck:

1. Jet-lagged as I was, I located macarons within the first three hours I was in Paris along with a big baguette sandwich and a "Coke Light." I just had to walk into Boulangerie Eric Kayser and point!

2. I stumbled into line at the Musee D'Orsay, where I had forgotten how much I loved this sculpture:
Charles Cordier--Negre du Sudan

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After a much needed shower and nap I ran to the Eiffel Tower (having overslept and nearly missing my ticket time).

4. Dinner at Les Cocottes sitting at the bar.


  1. What is it about Paris that makes your heart bleed when others mention it?

    Beautiful pics!
