Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to Poetry Is Cool Part Trois! I am currently writing about poetry, inter-disciplinary and collaborative projects, art, books, food and running from Ellensburg, WA--the next phase of my blogging experiment. This blog began when I was writing a poem a day during National Poetry Month in 2010. Some days you will find new photos and posts, sometimes a new link that interests me, sometimes there will be a new "French" sentence---I have a new goal of blogging at least once per week. I am always interested to hear from you. Say hello!

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 2011 flashback

Click hear to listen to
My Jack Straw Productions podcast!

The recording is from my May 2011 Jack Straw Writing Fellows reading in the Jack Straw studios. Being a fellow for 2011 was a fantastic experience that introduced me to warm, generous people and talented writers. I was privileged to meet my fellow "fellows" and the directors and staff at Jack Straw. I continue to benefit from these attachments!

The readings by the 2012 fellows are going on right now and I would urge you to attend! Here's the schedule.