It takes a while to get somewhere else from Labastide Esparbairenque because first you have to get out of the forest and the mountains--the roads are steep and twisty-turny and about half a lane wide.
I was able to take a road trip to the medieval city of Albi, about 2+ hours to the north. Albi is the heart of the Cathar resistance to the Pope. In the 15th century the Catholic Church built this enormous red stone fortress of a cathdral to impress the church's great power upon the resistors. The cathedral is a formidable Gothic pile---the 1400's version of shock and awe.
This hand-painted ceiling in the cathedral in Albi has never been retouched! |
I got to see saint's skulls in the cathedral--that was a new one for me.
Soccer players in Barcelona. |
Here I am in the Born District with pistachio gelato--my favorite! |